Blog Logo


"Everything old becomes new again."

...Get results from your website
whether your site's focus is marketing, sales, support, or all of the above. We'll give it beauty and functionality all tailored to your target audience!

  • Social Media Integration
  • Build Relationships
  • Improve Communications
  • Build Long Term Value

"Blogs offer you a fully controlled environment to build community and get your message out. Contact us, today."

Blogs were the starting point - allowing businesses to broadcast to the world. Blogs allowed (and still do), their owners to pontificate, start conversations, and build community.

Major social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ have drawn people's efforts away from their own blogs. That said, as these newer social platforms continue to change their rules, designs, and policies, blogs remain a place where you as a business can control the environment and the way you want to get your message out.

Pricing / Budgets:

Bastion Internet firmly believes that your blog should be your own – not part of a service that another company runs.

Blog setup and design prices are in the $800 - $1,500 range. They can be stand-alone websites or can be integrated into your current website.


First we determine where your blog will live – on a new domain or as part of your current website. Blog design is next - usually based on branding from your current websites or other web properties. We'll install the blog software (e.g. WordPress), integrate the design, and implement any plugins. Finally, we'll set up an RSS feed to let the world know every time you post.

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